Tuesday, November 12, 2013

TRAVELS in 2013

Hello All!
Its been really a long hiatus since I last blogged!
Gosh, my last post was in May when I'm still taking
Basic Theory test. hahaha. Well, I have done my basic, finaly TT amd
now I left with the 2 practical lessons to complete and I can take my TP test.

So ever since my last post, my life have been quite filled with what I would call,
adventurous? Been travelling for work and such. I'm so thankful for the opportunities
my company is giving me. In July, I went to Bali to help Xiao Hu and his Wife Vivian for
their wedding shoot. Thanks to Uncle Freddy for the free trip =) Like I wouldnt think that I can
go for a Bali trip for free. So grateful :) Nevertheless, it was a fun trip! hehe.

After a month, Leollyne jiejie requested for me to go Shanghai for work. It was supposed to
be for 2 weeks and never have I thought that I would be there for 1 and half months!
Made friends with so many 表哥表姐, filled with so much love, found a church there, met up
with cousin Janice, Shoot for 13 days for 4 projects, went for my 1st post follow up. What more can I
ask for? Most importantly I finally get to have some good times with Leo jie. =)
Thank God for her who has been caring for me, she must be one person that I am thankful in my
life. Although sometimes I really cannot tahan her rude comments.... but in any relationship must
give and take right. I have learnt to do that cause I really treasure her as my sister alot.

So yeap, after living there for a month and a half, Uncle Freddy asked if I'm interested to work in
Shanghai. Of course I would like to because this is a sure rare opportunity from God. After much consultations, "asking for permission", I'm granted by my family to go :)

So YAY. I'm going next year, after CNY!  OH YA. Did I mention that my Erjie is expecting lil' Calpis!! hehe. Hopefully I get to spend quality times with him before I leave for Shanghai =)

Lastly, in 2 days time, I'm going for JAPAN with Leo Jie. Actually, this is my point of blogging again. Leo
Jie said that she wants to go to church with me on her own accord!!!! Praise God! After all these years of trying to be a good testimony and outreaching to her subtly, she has finally made the first step. I'm so so happy and I hope that she will be so ministered :))

OKAYY DOKES. back to work :D