Thursday, May 9, 2013

A dream.

I had a very beautiful dream the previous night. :) 
I dreamt of a guy I really like and I want to be with him forever.
He is not good-looking at all but he is just so nice! :)
 I feel so comfortable with him and I enjoy being with him. 
In the dream, I was suppose to meet him and I totally forgot about this meetup. 
He called me twice but I was too busy to pick up. When I realised and returned call, he was still there, waiting for me. awwwwww right. :)
 BUT you know what, I have no idea who he is. So sad right!!! :((

Sorry,single ladies like me occasionally have such weird dreams ;p
When I shared this with my colleagues, they were so happy for me.
Not when I told them it was just a dream. haha.

Anws! I'm taking my basic theory test tomorrow!
Im so anxious and nervous!
God please help me!