Monday, April 29, 2013


It's 2013!! Time is really passing fast!
I was browsing through my previous post,my last post was last year!
Been busy and.....lazy to blog. hehe. I thought is good to blog once in awhile
cause as I read my previous post, it can be really funny. haha.
So now that i'm not held up with any projects at work, I'll blog a bit on 2013!

I'm thankful to God I'm given more opportunities at work. :)

Recently I just finished off a 3 weeks project.
I was given the opportunity to handle a project with my Producer, Chris.

Its a really long and tiring project but on the flip side, I had a very good experience!
My boss came up to me and said that I have grown from this project and level up in terms of working wise.( These words really meant a lot to me :) )

ANYWAYS. back to my experience.
I had my many first time in this project!
Working with Japanese Clients,  having meeting from 2am to 9am...
 "overseas" shoot at Bintan.. being a tour guide (bringing my clients around Singapore),
meeting new people :D , hp bill $500 plus. having 2-3 hours of sleep over a week, catching sunrise for 5 times.

I'm glad to say that all these countless first time has moulded me and exposed me
to a lot about work and people. This is an inaugural experience which I'm really thankful to God. :)