Friday, January 13, 2012


The WICKED;a broadway musical!

okay, you know i dont really blog unless some major things
is happening to me tht like i reallly really cant resist to tell everyone here!
so here is like one major event tht i reallly wish to share as the title suggests!!!
i went to watch a BROADWAY MUSICAL;THE WICKED!!!

first time in my 20yrs and 2 months and 12 days on this earth, i watched an awesome musical!!
omgoshhh, i love it!! God is so goood because its a free tix frm someone(thank you!!!:D )
and im like sitting 4th row frm the front! how awesome can u telll me?!

it was indeed an eye opener how musical works.
they have a live band below the stage,live singing, nicely chorographed dance steps, creatively built sets, magnificent lightings, excellent acting and singing frm the cast!
and i realised tht as they change frm scene to scene, they have this smoke machine which emits very nice scent!

im so addicted to musicals please, so awed by it!!!!:)
okay, so thts all i wannna blog but nonetheless, here's an update on my fyp:)
had our interim today! it went well except tht shahrul tweeted alot(HAHA) but all were funny. cux he was twitting the highlights of the interim! lol.

i hope tht our FYP will be well-paced and very good visual effects will be displayed.
quoted fm my classmate: We work hard in our own way, and we will meet at the end of our goals.:)