Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Happy 2012!Post on 2011! NEW ZEALAND!

Happy 2012 to alll!!:)
today is the 3rd day of 2012, and i keep telling myself tht i have to pen down wht i've done in 2011 because i really do not want to forget abt how God's grace has been visible in my life. hence.....

-warning to all-
i'm going to type a very very long post on 2011 and 2012. so please, if u think u hav no stamina to read, then dont la. but ur interested, then read loh..hehehe.

april -aug
had my 4 months of internship in The shooting gallery company!
it was the most awesome experience because i get to eat good food and i really mean
good food like sushi tei, crabs at various restaurant and many others and all are free because i have very nice colleagues who treated me!!^^
feel so loved <3 God's favour is always there(:

hahaha, of course other than food, it is an eye opener of how isit like to work with different people with different working style, character and personality. still remember all those times i get weird encounters with certain people. *cant believe i went through those times!

I have pushed myself to do my work with excellence, meeting expectations of others. From the most humble job of washing the plates for the clients, to buying of food, to doing set design,getting props and all the little task that i was tasked to, till i gained the trust from everyone that i can handle the workload. i thank God for that and i was given the opportunity to go for the company retreat in NZ for 9 days! :) enjoyed every single moment there till i dont feel like leaving okkk:(

In NZ, i did alot of ONCE IN A LIFETIME stuff!
1)bungee jump, 40 m

2) horse riding at .
3) surviving very long travelling rides.
4)first western country i been to. hehe.
5)carried a real lamb!!!^^
6) Waking up early in the morning to a beautiful sunrise!

how awesome you telll me??! Below are the pictures :) Let pictures speak!

so side track, after my internship, i went on to do some part time with gymkidz before my school starts. met awesome bunch of my age grp girls and they are simple a bunch of people i would love to work with. teamwork and stuff, can nvr ask for more.:)

FYP in sch, was given an opportunity to do a 3D short film! thank God so much for this because we're the first batch to show case it.
learnt so much new stuff till now i have nvr regretted working so hard, going through the steep learning curve. :)

nonetheless, i want to thnk God for everyone who has journeyed with me, praying with me,giving me advice. this is specifically to my family members and my bestie(im not naming you here!) hehe.

so, 2012!! theres alot of things im anticipating for this yr!!
1)FYP to be over!!
2)getting a new job( A FULL TIME JOB)
3)family trip
4)graduation ceremony
5)korea trip with sis and bro in law!!!
6)my 21st bday!
7) my life partner?! haha, if its God's will la. i've been waiting for 21yrs, this life partner must be a good one!(:

so yea!
exciting year right!!!:)))))))
let's hope for a great 2012!!