Friday, November 2, 2012

My 21st Birthday, New Journey :)

Been such long long time since updated this blog!
Glad to be able to find some time to update this "abandoned" blog :)

Today is really a special day which triggers me to write my blog as well as to
update some of my personal life story e.g. my new workplace and the most memorable 21st birthday party!

Alright, so today i started the day pretty normal, like rushing to work, catching every single train i can cause if i missed it i have to wait for 4 mins and this would result me to be late for 1 min and deduction of pay! haha, insane eh!

So well, as much as the day seems pretty normal to me, it became different when my colleague started to talk and share with me his personal problems. My colleague has never talked to me about his personal problems and usually is the other way round. i would be the one ranting to him non-stop. haha. This made me feel quite honored then to be able to give him a listening ear. :) He started to talk to me about how worried he is for some stuff and etc. Each time when someone starts to tell me their personal stuff, I'd be so glad to be the one listening. I see it as an opportunity to bring God into the picture subtly. I sincerely hope and pray that he would be able to taste the goodness of God =)

After HOF, I headed home and met my ycg kids members. Usually, I would not join them for any late suppers. Today, is just so different. I actually made that intentional effort to eat with them at MACs. I treated them and initially i was so afraid that i dont have any topics to talk to them. But God is just so amazing! We had great chats and had some fun with photo booth! God is amazing when you put in effort to do his work! thank God for today! I pray that everyday would be a day of impacting someone's life. :)

NOW, i'm actually quite tired to update about my 21st birthday and my new time! kudos! here's some pictures though. Thank you for being part of my party!

 My wonderful family :) Love them!

Friends who stick close to me :)

  My besties who has helped me in my party planning !!

My talented cousin who has baked the beautiful cake for me ! :) 

 The family who has blessed me with the awesome cooking for my party :))