Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The real world.:(

Hey are all of u?
today i feel quite moody tho not shown on the surface.:/
was very affected by some stuff. at first i was quite upset why
it would turned out tht way and it could actually be prevented.
but i thank God for turning the situation around, giving me assurance
tht he is protecting me with other nice colleagues helping me.

At tht very moment, i started to ponder wht if im not a christian,i dont know God, who will i rely on?who will i lay all my worries on?who will render help to me when i need it instantly?
who will be there to give me assurance,guidance?

I know clearly in my heart tht only God can provide all these. As i'm typing these out, i really feeel fortunate but at the same time im really selfish:/ knowing tht God can do so much, am I proclaiming his love to others?:( Yes, i've been putting in time and effort to my ministry,spending time w his ppl. but God wants us to do more than tht and i have failed to do so. he wants us to show his love to the ppl around us.

When i was whining to one of my colleague, he warned me,"dont ask why, this is the real world. Watch your back and be on guard."

I know in my heart, God you are protecting me. No matter how much i hate to do so, God, please, guide me and lead me.God, break my heart for wht breaks yours.To love those who hate me, like how u forgave Peter who denied u and Judas who betrayed u.

**sorry people, still not picture yet cause i lost my cable to transfer photos from phone to lappy:/