Saturday, May 21, 2011


recently our youth svc has embarked on a new series, GENESIS.
GENESIS with the acronym being:
S-Spirit -led

So in this series, every weeek they will touch on the different core values mentioned above.
last week on generosity and yest on excellence.It creates the awareness and importance of having these values and standards tht should be inculcated in us.Alot of people dont see the virtues of these values and principles. which is quite sad because virtues are often wht makes u different from others. When ur different from others, they see God in you.truly thankful for the leadership team tht came out with this. Not trying to be self righteous but sad to say tht these core values are slowly diminishing in the youths.:/ i'm also learning and i hope tht all lessons will convict every hearts.

Some lessons to share:)
being generous doesnt mean contributing monetary, but being generous can also means to generous in spirit, mind, action, encouraging others,giving ur time to others.
I really like this lesson shared by pastor chui. When we hear this word excellence we would often think tht we have to be the top(in sch, work) , to meet the standards of the society. But actually
Excellence just simply means letting God maximising the potential in you and doing ur best.

On a side note, check out my blog soooon again w tons of pictures of the happenings in my life!hehe. i know my past few posts hav been quite boring cause its only words and words....ouuuch.;/