Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Special Days(: part 2

before i blog abt part 2, i would like to apologise for the very lengthy wordss! anyhow, new bloglink.hehehe. cooool notx. is like joannezxlblr= joannezhengxiuling -blr like tum-blr?? got it?! :DD okay, so part 2 is abt date with gwendolyn tan shu hui!!!(: she is like my sec 3 & 4 camp buddy in Girl guides and also in my sec sch clique. we were not as close like how minny and me were but still can can joke ard and all. it's until yest i found out how well we can really relate to each other, how crazy we can go with our nonsense. it's just so amazing!^^ really thank God for yest tht we had the opportunity to bond tgt.(: pss* minnnny, if ur reading this, pls note tht ur not replaced!!((: we went to CINE(again) to watch dont go breaking my heart. OMG i tell u, i love this movie!i'd give it 4/5!!!^^ the plot, the level of humour, the actors( heehhheehe) everything! we were so engrossed tht we forgot abt the meetup w zhen for our "free manicure". hahahah. immediately after the movie, we CHIONG-ed out!awe ran like alice in the wonderland to meet zhen at Clark quay. then couldnt find her and her hp batt gone. Ultimate one right.anyways, finally we got to meet each other alr and reached tht place, we were told to change into gown. we were so shocked because manicure dont require us to change wht. then we realised tht we are supposed to be models for the students in tht sch for their beauty course exam.ZZZZZ. we're required let them do waxing,facial,manicure and makeup. mine is seriously CMI ttm. the waxing not done properly:( then my pedicure is like BLACK.!!!it freaked me out seriously this morning when i woke up man. sigh. but i still enjoy cause had a fun time w zhen and gwen!(: seriously thank God for good friends like them!^^ alrights, i am gng to bedddd cause tmr is reflectionnnnnn! a diet changes how u look, a fast changes how u see!(: