Sunday, September 18, 2011

MY LIFE as of since the last post.

HIHI! havent been blogging for donkey months!
think should update if not will forget wht had happened in my life!
i ended my internship on 18th aug. sad and happy!
sad cause gotta leave tht awesome pl w awesome people. happy cause dont
have to be suan-ed by them...haha.
and also, happy tt i can go for company retreat to AUCKLAND!!!
YAY! feel so blessed to be able to join them as im the only intern!:))
thank God!
now working in this gymkidz company as a gym instructor cause need to pay off my laptop fee and auckland trip! job is not to teach ppl lift weights be macho hor!is to teach kids gymming!! :D
them are super cute lahhh and have quite a few of cute and nice colleagues as well. just tht
there werre a few slothful ones:(
anyhowwww, so sad loh..seeing those picturees........:(((( ignorance is so the blissssssssssssss:[