Monday, May 9, 2011

Just wht i can remember.

yohoooo!:) before i update can i rant first?
the current temperature of this desert is like 35degreessssss.
it is so very super ultra HOTTTT!not tht i'm hot pls(HAHAHHA),is like the weather
is making me burning! emo LOH!!

okay,so internship's been okey,ups and downs.:X then like dont know wht i'm feeling
abt it also.sigh. i reallly enjoy, but i cant say tht this is wht i wanna do in future:(
oh God, i srsly need ur guidance. i feel so mundant.hopefully i can find joy and see in a different

hmm, apart from updating abt my internship, just wanna share some stuff tht made day^^
alex bought macs and popped up at my super ulu wkpl when i was so so busy w nice and sweeet of him hor!too bad he is not my type leh, if not he will be my bf alr.HAHAHAH.

then had dinner w him and lilin.both of them encouraged me to do smth tht i've always been contemplating. finally i did it and i'm glad.#breakthrough.

lastly, it mother's day yesterday!!^^
went to regent hotel to celebrate w family!we had birdnest as our dessert lehhhh!hehe.dont jealous. my dumb younger sis threw the birdnest pls.she said why no taste like grasss-.-!
very -.-"" right! tht aside, so happy to seee my enjoying this celebration!she deserves it!:)

i gave two carnations to my colleagues as a mother's day gift!tmr im giving my company's coffee auntie:)