Thursday, April 28, 2011

long awaited post on my internship!:D

hihi people!i know u've been waiting for my post on my internship,aint u??hiak hiak hiak.
hhehe.dont bluff if u deny this statement!!:D

SO to YOU who are reading, my internship is STRESSFUL:(

stress=nothing to do!:0

didnt know tht no work to do can be stressful right?! tht's the life of being an intern,gotta be watchful of whether u do work.:X because once u stop doing work;u stop learning.

so for those days i've got nothing to do, i gotta be extra pro-active to see where i can help, what i can learn.i'm glad tht although i've got not much things to do, i'm still learning:D

helped out in a photo shoot yest of a celeb (i cant reveal now till product is launched,SORRY aww.hehe.) like quite cool and awesomeeeee. but abit stress when u have so many crews and clients to take care of.overall is fun! *will post the picture once it's launched!*

and yeap, my colleagues are really God given. thank God for favour.:)

this is me at my workplace,taken by my v super hyper colleague tasha.:) behind is the director of the india M1 advertisement!coool rightx.hehe.

they're willing to teach me!so glad to have them.THE FOOD around the vicinity isnt great.:(

if ur reading, pls cont to keep me in prayer okey?i really need anointing and strength EVERYDAY.:( perhaps now is the relax period.i dont feeeel the crunch of the workload yet,but soon when the crunch period comes, i'm really not sure if i can handle.:( God, i need you.