Saturday, February 19, 2011

Are u connected to the broken world?

HEYYYY alll to those who are still reading!:D
HAPPY HOLIDAYYYY TO ME and alll my coursemate!
all of us chiong-ed assignment till nobody's business for the past 2 sems,finally, it's all over!
yesterday went to attend my seniors' FYP presentation.
was impressed by afew works.:)
happy and stresssed by them also.
wondering who my FYP mates would ultimately be:(
really need God's guidance and favour.
anyhow, was glad to hear something yesterday from pas chui.

recently our church has been into this series called a deep justice in a broken world.
after pas alan preached, pas chui came and closed the svc.wht she spoke strucks me.
she said tht sometimes we're into our own world tht we left out wht God wants to do in our hearts.

When we're in our own world,we cant possibly be connected to the broken world tht needs us.
it's so true, cause as i reflect back, i hardly see myself being so into God's word,making time to do wht i want to do for him, calling my contacts. Only until recently when i'm not giving my time,going out w __, i see myself doing so much for God which i'm really glad i did it.

Sometimes, when u lose something , u gain something as well. Tho it's not wrong to invest ur time on something/person/chasing after wht u want in life, we have to always rem the responsiblities tht God has given to us.

As much as i can for now in a singlelady hood, haha! i really hope tht i can do wht i can for God and i hope tht i can continue to do it (more) w someone else(if i can find la!) in future:)
like wht people always say, two is better than one!haha