Saturday, January 1, 2011

1 Jan 2011

so scary!when i was typing out the title, 1 jan 2011, it's like 2011:OOOOO
time pass really fast!so it has been a haitus tht i since last blogged?
many things happened during tht period of new friends..
some leave, some stay, some got closer to me...wht i learnt is, be it they stay or leave u,
God place different people at different phase of ur life for a reason.

i believe in tht because i hav a friend tht God has placed in my life
at a certain point of time and this friend has been a great encourager,help,bringing joy to my life,spiritually supporting me and etc. kinda a pity tht we're not as close,but yeap..still good friends!(:
before this year really ends, i was quite emo abt some stuff..i could hardly share it w anyone..and tht's even worst right..:X anyhow,through this i've came to realise tht God is still ultimately tht only one tht can understand how i feel and bring me out of the sorrows and setbacks i'm in..when u experience such peace from God, u'll come to know wht an amazing God u have!(:

so blessed new year eveyone!challenges and setbacks ahead, but it's nvr too smalll for God to handle!
let me just share some of my new year resolutions w u and also to remind myself!
1)to encourage and impact lives!
2)to be disciplined!
3)to trust tht everything tht happened,God has his reason!
God will make all things beautiful in His time:)